Commission: Curtain call for the sale of DEPA Commercial
The energy privatizations for DEPA Infrastructure and gas storage of Kavala Prefecture are postponed even further
The energy privatizations for DEPA Infrastructure and gas storage of Kavala Prefecture are postponed even further
Meetings with DG Energy Officials
RAE suddenly set conditions for the certification of the three EDAs for the non-sale of DEPA Infrastructure within three years and a stable organization chart in the subsidiaries - The reason invoked by circles of the Authority is for no lay-offs - Italgas offered a high price for the acquisition of 100% of DEPA Infrastructure - The Italians are annoyed
What the president of RAE said in Parliament about the operation, prices and surplus revenues of the electricity market.
Market recommendation to investors by the international financial institution. The listed company is strategically placed for the "green" transition.
Information on the sale of the RES portfolio by Ellaktor
The exposure of the two Greek refineries to Russian crude is down to zero
The measures to reduce the price per kilowatt hour have locked
The public company maintains its stable outlook
Extraordinary meeting of the EU Energy Ministers on May 2 on the issue of Gazprom's payment. The "window" to remove the impasse.
On May 25, the payment of the next installment by DEPA Commerce
State funding of electricity bills at 550 to 600 million euros
The French multinational company is leaving the plots off Crete it had leased three years ago, while ExxonMobil seems to be going down that road, as well
In block 2 from Energean - Energy Ministry and Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management (HHRM) plans for Crete
The geopolitical messages of the withdrawal of the French of TotalEnergies and the Americans of ExxonMobil from the sea blocks of Crete
Review of the French international strategy with a shift to RES, more mature hydrocarbon deposits and other energy sources with lower gaseous emissions
What does the unanimous support of the Italian political forces on the Israel-Cyprus-Greece gas pipeline signify?
The solution that is preferred for the floating LNG tank in the DESFA terminal. Visit by PM Mitsotakis
Interest of energy groups for the exploration of natural gas fields in Greece - EDEY's bet for Crete
Positive picture for Motor Oil in the first quarter. Deputy CEO spoke to analysts about the petroleum market and RES plans
CEO Thymios Bouloutas left all possibilities οpen for the refinancing of the bond and a new share capital increase
Detailed schedule of exploration and drilling per concession
Task Force for the development of concessions research
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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