DEPA Commerce and ΗEL.PE. – Brake in privatization to deal with the energy crisis
The government seeks to build defenses with the two companies against the rise in energy prices. The scenarios for the "freezing" of the two privatizations.
The government seeks to build defenses with the two companies against the rise in energy prices. The scenarios for the "freezing" of the two privatizations.
Pressure from Brussels on the government to close the case. The latest issues. The "shoot out clause". The three investors remain in the race
Revealing data from the Association of Greek Petroleum Trading Companies for the delinquency in the market of motor fuels - At 100-150 million euros per year the loss of tax revenues - The phenomena of smuggling, fraud and interference in the pumps increase
"With the further capital increase, PPC is following an autonomous course," said the president and CEO George Stassis
"Package" investments for gas exploration, offshore wind, hydrogen and CO2 storage are proposed by the CEO of Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management S.A. (EDEY.) A. Stefatos in the oil companies. Estimates for potential gas reserves equal to the Zor deposit. Until October 2022, the margin for seismic surveys in the "plots" of Crete.
Tomorrow 19/10 the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to increase the share capital. At least 50 foreign institutional investors and funds have participated in the informal administration roadshow
The stocks of silver, lead and zinc have been exhausted, according to announcements by President Chr. Balaska. Accumulated losses of 500 million euros. Bank financing and strategic investor estimates for the first quarter of 2022 at Eldorado Gold subsidiary
How the energy group greens the activities in refineries and gas stations. RES projects, cooperation with GEK TERNA in electricity generation with natural gas, and investments in hydrogen
EU Environment Council meets with the Greek initiative for the creation of a European Energy Transition Mechanism on the table. The background http://wp.mgmt.ot.gr/wp-admin/post-new.phpand the alliances between the EU countries to take action against energy costs.
Elval's € 250 million investment in aluminum rolling is completed, increasing production to 520,000 tons. Next goal is the capacity at 800,000 tons. Halcor's opportunities in electric propulsion.
The group, according to what its management said at yesterday's Investor Day, seeks free cash flows of 300 million euros per year from 2025 onwards
On Friday 8 or Saturday 9/10 the Minister of Environment and Energy Costas Skrekas and the Minister of Electricity and RES of Egypt Mohamed Saker El-Markabi sign MoU for the electrical interconnection of the two countries
The first subsidiary for refining, supply and sales of petroleum and petrochemicals is established
Lower prices and cleaner energy in 2030, according to the CEO of EL.PE.
The new shareholding scheme will be along the lines of the Enel and E.ON model - Strikes decided by employee union GENOP
The moves of GEK TERNA for the investment scheme
Minister Costas Skrekas also set measures for the industry in a teleconference with the Vice President of the European Commission Margaret Vestager
MoU is coming between the Greek and Egyptian Administrator. 2 GW electrical interfaces
Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management S.A. (HHRM S.A.) messages in the annual report of financial results for the future of hydrocarbon exploration in Greece
The share capital increase of 120.5 million euros of construction closed successfully
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) should issue an opinion to the Commission by March 2022
Losses over 32 million euros for 2021 based on the budget submitted by Energean to Hellenic Hydrocarbon Resources Management S.A. (HHRM S.A.) - Investments begin in Epsilon - Negotiations for loan with banks
Removal of fixed charges and 30% ceiling on the variation of the System Limit Price clause is suggested by the Energy Regulatory Authority as an antidote to the tariff increases - Electricity suppliers speak of "closing the market" SHARE
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