Inflation: The government is looking for new weapons against high prices
The government, strengthened by the rating agencies reports and the new upgrade, now exclusively aims at the agenda of the citizens everyday lives
The government, strengthened by the rating agencies reports and the new upgrade, now exclusively aims at the agenda of the citizens everyday lives
The Prime Minister's thought of visiting Israel – Athens' aim to play a role in efforts to avoid the spread of the crisis.
How the government and the ruling party "read" the result of the first ballot in regions and municipalities - The "message" of Thessaly and the great victory of Attica
For the first time since 1983, an Indian prime minister is in Greece – Everything that is being discussed today behind the closed doors of the |PM's office
Today the announcements of the change of face in the electoral race - Confusion and conflicting "voices" in the blue ecosystem - Case of "Peloponnese" or something else?
Barrage of closed meetings at the PM's office – Outstanding issues and malfunctions of the first four years in the foreground
What will the "63" say at the first Ministerial at 11:00 - "Not a day lost" the central dictum - Aim to keep the positive momentum while the opposition is regrouping
Kyriakos Mitsotakis is sworn in today, the government is sworn in tomorrow
Barbs from New democracy for the "whim" of Tsipras and for the "closed door" of Androulakis
SYRIZA accuses ND of hypocrisy and "extreme right-wing games" regarding Thrace
The "recipe" of Kyriakos Mitsotakis to win and strengthen the ND in neighborhoods that were considered SYRIZA strongholds
What does the official premiere of the election campaign of New Democracy in the once center-left "castle" signify?
Electoral alarm No. 2 sounds in the blue camp - Today Mitsotakis the premiere in the tours - The "opponents"
What is causing the "political earthquake": Mitsotakis in the Presidential race today, new polls on June 25
Government and main opposition focus on large social groups
The prime minister wants greater direct communication with citizens – The "upgraded" role of party gatherings.
A woman first on the list, a party veteran in the honorary position
Countdown to the cross-party committee that will decide the ifs and hows of a televised debate
Double targeting by the prime minister - How he's respondsing to SYRIZA's "Mitsotakis or change" - The role of self-criticism
The two parties do not want to give the impression that they are instrumentalizing such a sensitive issue
How will Mitsotakis move after his break in Tinos - When does the Parliament dissolve and what other pending matters are closed.
With the deep concern about dangers from the right in areas of Macedonia, Kyriakos Mitsotakis was in Western Thessaloniki
Contacts with party cadres and citizens in a cafe in Evosmos
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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