Athens: The years-old Vasilissis Olgas Street saga
The plans, the timeline and the vision for the pedestrianization – What were the reasons for the postponements since the late 1990s – The issues that have long troubled the authorities at the time
The plans, the timeline and the vision for the pedestrianization – What were the reasons for the postponements since the late 1990s – The issues that have long troubled the authorities at the time
The exhibition "Luxury and Power: Persians and Greeks" opens its doors today at the British Museum
The luxurious tome "Xenokration" published by Lamda Development guides the reader through the exhibits of the brand new museum of Messolonghi, which opens on the 18th of the month
2021 has proved to be a rich year in terms of locating "unknown" or "lost" objects and architectural elements, which come to function as tiles in the puzzle of the estate located within the Parnitha National Park SHARE
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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