SYRIZA General Assembly meeting today against the background of the battle of the “suitors”
A new press representative is also expected to be appointed at the meeting, after the resignation of Popi Tsapanidou
A new press representative is also expected to be appointed at the meeting, after the resignation of Popi Tsapanidou
Alexis Tsipras, in a move that surprised even his closest associates, announced yesterday that he will not be a candidate in the internal party elections that will be held in the next period in SYRIZA
SYRIZA president and former prime minister Alexis Tsipras on Thursday announced his resignation from the leftist party’s helm
Neighboring Turkey has long demanded that the Muslim minority in Thrace province be characterized as “Turkish”, in contrivance to the 1923 Lausanne Treaty
While adding “I didn’t have the right to desert”
The president of SYRIZA once again took full responsibility for the defeat, he tried to unfold the new narrative in view of the second round of elections while he did not hesitate to point out that the party does not go to the new polls to lose but to win
"I assume the lead, along with all of you, in this battle, because I have never been frightened; I have never cowered nor deserted"
He spoke of a painful shock stressing that "I'm afraid that the result is painful for society as well"
Alexis Tsipras: We must make all the changes immediately – Our collective bodies will convene
Giorgos Katrougalos withdrew from the elections after his statement about the insurance contributions which caused a barrage of reactions and an attack by Maximou for a "hidden agenda".
Mr. Tsipras called fake news reports of his meeting with Yanis Varoufakis
Yesterday's post by former deputy health minister Polakis seems to have been the final straw
He emphasized the importance of the development of the Greek-American strategic cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis
Main opposition leader Alexis Tsipras tabled a no confidence in Greece's Parliament on Wednesday afternoon
The president of SYRIZA emphasized that what is happening is not normal
New attack on the prime minister
The leader of main opposition SYRIZA, Alexis Tsipras, launched a scathing attack against Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis from the floor of the Parliament on the issue of wiretapping
Τhe former leftist prime minister, called on current PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis to “stop hiding behind excuses, as they only reveal guilt; everything in the light, now”
Tsipras demanded that surveillance of political leaders and journalists by the country national intelligence service (EYP) come up for debate on Parliament’s floor
Mr Tsipras underlined, among other things, that the Prime Minister had attempted to present himself as supposedly "pro-labor"
SYRIZA President, the main opposition party in Greece, blamed the Greek PM for the high electricity prices
"The state must intervene to regulate the markets, to support citizens that are currently unable to get by," the main opposition leader, Alexis Tsipras, said among other things
The Prime Minister responded to Alexis Tsipras from the floor of Parliament
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