Main opposition leader meets with US Ambassador with a focus on the country’s defense agreements
Among other things, Mr. Tsipras reiterated the disagreement of his party, SYRIZA, with the revision of the Greek-American defense agreement
Among other things, Mr. Tsipras reiterated the disagreement of his party, SYRIZA, with the revision of the Greek-American defense agreement
The move nevertheless signals an even sharper opposition by Tsipras’ leftist SYRIZA party
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis wished 'get well' to Alexis Tsipras
It is recalled that the Ecumenical Patriarch was diagnosed positive for the coronavirus.
SYRIZA party president Alexis Tsipras, appeared at the customary press brief allocated to the country’s main opposition leader during the second weekend of the annual Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF)
The president of SYRIZA said that Mr. Mitsotakis is not interested in the middle class, but "he is interested in a small minority, his environment, the people he meets."
"The VAT issue must be assessed based on the potential of the economy"
"It was a national need to get out of the memorandums and settle the debt…"
Τhe leader of the opposition referred to the pandemic, blaming the government for the manipulations and the course of the vaccinations
A 47.3% in favour of Kyriakos Mitsotakis being the Greek PM, while a 19.8% prefers Alexis Tsipras
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