ATHEX: Losses are expanding
The General Index falling by more than 1%
The General Index falling by more than 1%
Boost from the banking industry
The rise in foreign markets has a positive effect on the investment climate
General Index μarginally over 800 points - Pressures on banks
Kontopoulos’ biography lists senior management positions in capital markets in New York, London and Athens
The General Index records losses of 2.43% at 845.39 points, with the turnover already approaching 100 million euros
According to the Athens Stock Exchange, the cumulative value of the company's transactions in February amounted to 1.61 billion euros, with a market share of 28.92%
The main and -as everything shows- the only reason for the big fall of the markets, not only of the ATHEX but also of European bourses, are the extensions of the western sanctions in Russia SHARE
February may have left a very positive picture for the course of the ATHEX, but the closing should be above 934 points to be "green"
The Greek stock market has returned to the zone of 950 points, having at its side the vast majority of its securities, although the moves are "careful"
How rising interest rates and bond yields are affecting the industry
The general index gained 1.28% to 962.87 points, with a turnover of 65 million euros, but 25 million of them are through packages
The focus remains firmly on global inflation as ιτ forceσ the major central banks to change their policy mix
The general index gains 0.28% to 963.11 points, with a turnover of around 32 million euros.
The Greek stock market is trying to regain part of yesterday's lost ground
The general index recorded losses of 0.12% at 944.96 points, with a turnover of 38 million euros
All eyes are on the ECB
The Athens Stock Exchange Group has worked together with the Cyprus Stock Exchange in order to upgrade the offered Clearing, Settlement and Registration platform used by both Organizations.
The Greek stock market is following the caution of international markets in view of a crucial week
The Greek stock market manages to remain in the zone of 950 points
The Greek stock market, although showing high nervousness, seems to want to raise buttresses in the uncertainty that prevails in the world markets
The Greek stock market, despite the pressures of securing profits that are reasonably manifested, manages to maintain the levels of 950 points, ie the seven year high
The Greek stock market finds its way to rising again, even creating a safety cushion at 950 units
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
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