ATHEX – Secures 900 units
Analysts are concerned that while the overall index, since the beginning of the month, has been rising by ... ten points on the steps of recovery, with a good record of 50 points so far, this has happened with low turnover
Analysts are concerned that while the overall index, since the beginning of the month, has been rising by ... ten points on the steps of recovery, with a good record of 50 points so far, this has happened with low turnover
Which titles have taken the reins of the "mission" to stay above 900 units
The general index gains 0.08% to 899.64 points, while it was found a little earlier at 900 points, for the first time since September 23
The General Index in balance exercises around 890 points
After almost a month, the market does not yet seem to have the strength it needs to regain 900 units
Support from National and Alpha Banks
The Greek market is faithful to the "safe waters", without dispositions for taking greater risk
The folding scenario to support the 880 units is gaining ground
The Greek stock market is trying to keep the levels of 881 points
The overall index is moving with losses of 0.81% at 885.39 points, with Coca Cola again being at the center of the pressures, having a significant effect due to its weight
The investment case for Greek shares remains quite attractive
After an extremely difficult September, ATHEX shows that in October something has changed for the better
Pressures on Coca Cola, Jumbo, Mytilene, Greek Petroleum, National, Alpha Bank
Support from the energy sector
Variability is not lacking today, despite the negativity of the international climate, however the selective moves so far are positive
The Greek stock exchange is currently trying to stay in touch with the 860 point mark and in any case not to test the levels of the 200-day fluctuation
Support from the banking sector
The share notes a drop of more than 10%
Strong recovery at the end of the session, against the background of the restructuring in the MSCI indices. The negative climate in international markets is a black spot, .
Investors are looking to DBRS, which will announce its estimates for the Greek economy
The General Index is faithful to the movement between 900 - 910 points
Push from OPAP, Alpha Bank, Coca Cola, Viohalko and Jumbo
Although the Index closed lower for the 8th session in the last 12, the uptrend remains strong. The catalyst that will trigger a new upward movement is sought.
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