Deposit Interest Rates in Greece Remain Unchanged: Bank of Greece
The weighted average interest rate for new deposits remained steady at 0.45%.
The weighted average interest rate for new deposits remained steady at 0.45%.
Visitors from Germany, Italy and the U.S. made up the bulk of visitors to Greece, while tourists from the EU27 members accounted for 54.6% of the aggregate receipts in December 2024.
The Microfinance Fund will offer interest-free financing at a rate of 60% for general entrepreneurship and 75% for female entrepreneurship, with microfinance institutions providing the remaining 40% or 25%.
The Bank of Greece (BoG) projects the country’s economy will expand at a higher rate this year over the next 3-year period in a report. The BoG believes the DGP acceleration in 20205 will buttressed by a further ratings upgrade by international agencies. In more detail, the central bank sees the economy growing by 2.5% […]
Stournaras categorically stated that reducing VAT on food will not solve the problem of high prices
Today's Bank of Greece Interim Report on Monetary Policy depicts a healthy economy, but warns that stronger growth is needed to fully overcome the economic crisis
According to the Bank of Greece data, business deposits fell sharply by €2.122 billion in October 2024, while household deposits also declined, albeit more modestly, by €136 million.
Tourists continue to visit Greece off-season into Sept. with the number of inbound travelers up by 6.6% and a 7.9% rise in travel receipts.
More arrivals, but less revenues is the verdict by the Bank of Greece (BoG) for this past August in terms of travel remittances from the all-important tourism sector in the country.
Be alert regarding unusual behavior or situations (e.g., “too-good-to-be-true” offers, urgent requests for money, suspicious activity on your bank account or card).
As per inflation, Greece’s central bank expects a continued slowdown this year, with the inflation rate dropping to 3%
According to the BoG figures, travel revenues in the first six months of 2024 reached €6.9 billion, compared to €6.1 billion in the same period of 2023, generating an additional €754 million in 2024 compared to 2023
In June 2024, the current account balance recorded a surplus of €270.8 million, compared to a deficit in the same month of 2023
Food inflation in Greece is comparable to the EU27 average, while Greek wages, in terms of purchasing power, are only higher than those in Bulgaria
The average interest rate on overnight deposits placed by households remained unchanged at 0.03%
Prices are expected to continue to grow in 2024, despite the fact that they far outweigh Greeks' increases in income
The risks surrounding the Bank of Greece's forecasts for the growth of the Greek economy include, among others, the potential worsening of the geopolitical crisis in Ukraine and the Middle East and the consequent impacts on the international economic environment.
The number of inbound travelers to Greece in the Jan.-Apr. period increased compared to 2023 with tourists spending more on trips.
20.6 billion euros in related revenues topped the previous year’s figure by 16.5%
In March 2024, the monthly net flow of credit to the general government was negative by 469 million euros
According to Greece's central bank, net revenues from property sales in the country purchased by foreign nationals in 2023 exceeded 2.1 billion euros.
General inflation is expected to further decline in 2024 to 2.8%
Corporate deposits decreased by 912 million euros, compared to a decrease of 3.167 billion euros in the previous month
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