BoG governor on Bloomberg: The new support tool may be shelved
And this is the "good scenario" according to Giannis Stournaras
And this is the "good scenario" according to Giannis Stournaras
More than 1 million tourists - The most important countries of origin of travelers
What the Central Bank report shows
The governor of the Bank of Greece added that the Eurozone should proceed to a higher degree of federalisation by issuing a joint bond
Greece’s central bank raised its forecast for the inflation rate, to 5.2 percent
Risk of new bad debts due to high inflation
The main scenario now forecast by the Bank of Greece (BoG), as a result of the ongoing war in Ukraine, is a reduction of Greek GDP by one percent, along with a hike in inflation, also by one percent, according to BoG Gov. Yannis Stournaras
The total deposits of the Funds increased to 310 million euros at the end of the fourth quarter of 2021
An increase of 1.6 billion euros due to the fact that imports grew at a much faster rate than exports
Europe is facing tremendous uncertainty at present, with no one in position to know when the crisis will end and what its repercussions will be
What the data show
Russia's attack drastically changes the landscape - How the bond buying program will continue - The scores of rating agencies
According to the Bank of Greece, the balance of deposits amounted to 134.72 billion euros, down by only 425 million euros on a monthly basis
Specifically, the central bank said stated that in December 2021, the current account deficit grew by 1.1 billion euros yoy and stood at 1.7 billion.
The increase in the services surplus is almost exclusively due to the improvement in the travel services balance - The current account deficit stands at 10.6 billion euros
In an interview with Athens-based broadcaster Mega, the Bank of Greece (BoG) governor said that based on current figures, 27% of wage-earners in Greece are paid with the minimum monthly wage
In May it exceeds 700 euros - New increase in 2023 with the salary over 751 euros after 11 years - With a legislative provision the acceleration of the process and its granting on May 1
The banks contracted with the Ministry of Finance will send an invitation to investors by the beginning of February
According to the Joint Decision of the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Bank of Greece, the capacity of the Chief Negotiator in the Greek government bond market was renewed.
What do the analysts of the Bank of Greece mention - Foreign investments, development of offices and shops and the role of the supply chain
Economists are ringing the bells for the possibility of strict measures that could halt the recovery of Greece, wgile the bank of Greece is trying to avoid new generalized restrictive measures
BoG Governor Yannis Stournaras presented the report to Greek Parliament President Costas Tassoulas, adding that "there are more opportunities than risks for the Greek economy today, as long as we respond positively.”
The recent deterioration of epidemiological data, combined with the low vaccination coverage of the population relative to the European average, increases uncertainty and the risks for economic growth in terms of the Greek economy
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