Pelagidis (BoG) – Small and medium enterprises have withstood the crisis
He argued that they should seize the opportunity of digitization and increased demand
He argued that they should seize the opportunity of digitization and increased demand
BoG gov Giannis Stournaras rings the alarm bell as at the end of the year the protection measures for workers and companies that were successfully implemented in 2020 and throughout 2021 expire
The main sources of concern according to the BoG governor?
Among others, the influential central banker and former Greek finance minister again underlined that climate change risks, a source of instability and financial vulnerability, can in the end be turned into an opportunity
The Governor of the Bank of Greece estimates that Greece will maintain high growth rates of 3.5% per year for the next 10 years
The Greek Minister of Finance gave credits to the Former Deputy Minister of Finance, George Zavvos, for his hard and methodical work the last two years
The current account deficit increased year-on-year, due to the deterioration in the balance of goods and secondary income accounts
The board of the Bank of Greece met extraordinarily at the invitation of its President and Governor Giannis Stournaras
Travel receipts in May increased by 286.2%
In January-May 2021, the current account deficit increased by 534 million euros compared to the corresponding period of 2020 and amounted to 6.2 billion euros
The Bank of Greece calls for a redesign of bureaucratic procedures and excessive requirements for the issuance and presentation of all types of certificates as they are a deterrent to investment
Countermeasures for dealing with new macroeconomic upheavals
During this same four-month period, ordinary budget revenues reached to 13.746 billion euros, 13.062 billion euros the corresponding period of last year.
What data from the Bank of Greece reveal
What the Bank of Greece announced
Deficits and lower growth are expected this year. What will determine the recovery? When do we return to the levels of 2019? Who is forecasting what?
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