Private Deposits in Greece Drop €4.787BN in Jan.: BoG
The overall net monthly flow of deposits was negative by €4.324 billion in January 2025, compared to a positive net flow of €5.243 billion in December 2024.
The overall net monthly flow of deposits was negative by €4.324 billion in January 2025, compared to a positive net flow of €5.243 billion in December 2024.
The Greek government, as noted by the Financial Times, provided 50 billion euros to the country’s four largest banks during its prolonged debt crisis
In terms of financial obligations, those expiring on March 29 must be settled by March 28. Deposits made after March 28 will reflect in records starting from April 2. These alterations extend to payroll as well
De-investment in Greece’s four systemic banks by the Hellenic Financial Stability Fund (HFSF) through public offerings was also discussed
Just as eyebrow-raising is a 1.55-million-euro fine against the Hellenic Bank Association
Stylianides, a former EU Commissioner, cited the crucial role of Greek shipping in safeguarding the fulfilment of the EU’s energy needs
How the electronic platform works and who it concerns
The outlook for the long-term deposit ratings is positive following their rating upgrades
Τhe capital adequacy indexes for the four ATHEX-listed bank
What do the figures of the Bank of Greece show? Bank products with higher interest rates
Initial reports point to freeze on the Euribor one-month rate, the three-month rate and the basic ECB rate
The proposal was unveiled after yet another meeting with Finance Minister Christos Staikouras
The government wants a proposal by banks on this issue within the next two weeks.
Christos Staikouras emphasized that the government has substantially and effectively supported the country's banking system
The total value of those NPLs corresponding to 14.8 billion euros
Bank loans to shipping companies increased for the first time
Banks proceed to reject arrangements, either through out-of-court or bilateral arrangements, at a rate of 67%, while the corresponding rate for servicing companies stands at 34%
An additional 120 branches will be closed by the four systemic banks in 2022. "For a violent contraction of the network in the region", says General Confederation of Greek Workers -GSEE
The transaction is expected to be launched in the near future, subject to market conditions
The sale of assets in the retail and wholesale market and the opportunities for financing transactions
Expect significant increase in green investment - Opportunity of the country for energy independence
What will happen if the customer is unable to pay his installments or the macroeconomic environment deteriorates
The levels of the delay rates next December - The scheduled transactions for the first half of the year
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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