BoG: Greek Deposits Surge in December 2024
However, according to official BoG data the annual growth rate slowed to 4.5%, down from 5.0% in November
However, according to official BoG data the annual growth rate slowed to 4.5%, down from 5.0% in November
The rise is primarily attributed to the fall of the balance of goods records and, to a lesser extent, to the balance of primary income.
At current prices, exports dropped by 10.3% (‑10.7% at constant prices) and imports grew by 5.7% (9.4% at constant prices).
The BoG governor cited a study that says we need 1.6 times the Earth to maintain today's standard of living
He expressed his view that the ECB should lower interest rates as of mid-2024, assuming certain conditions allow.
What did the Governor of the Bank of Greece say about undeclared incomes and the strength of the economy
He spoke of the crisis in the Middle East, the course of the Greek economy and the uncertainties at the European level
The image of lending as shown by the Bank of Greece Bank Loans Survey for the 3rd quarter of 2023
The ECB's increase in key interest rates and the shrinking of its balance sheet have so far positively affected the profitability of commercial banks
The menu of the first meeting of the Minister of National Economy with the Governor of the Central Bank
A spending "party" of 44.4 billion euros
A Community directive on borrowers' rights will be incorporated by the end of the year
The Governor of the Bank of Greece on World Environment Day
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung hosts an interview with the governor of the Bank of Greece
What the central banker said about interest rates and the path of inflation
Influential Bank of Greece (BoG) Gov. Yannis Stournaras predicted rising interest rates in the eurozone this year
During this period, regular budget revenues stood at €13,898 million, up from €11,842 million last year
The influential Greek central banker said financial institutions in the country have now recorded “significant progress”
He said monetary police must remain devoted to the goal of containing inflation at low levels
What Bank of Greece data show - Which countries did most tourists come from?
Tourist arrivals and the corresponding receipts below the threshold of 2019
Increase in loans to businesses but not to individuals
What the data show
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