Bank of Greece issues list of primary dealers of Greek bonds in 2023
The status of Key Dealer in the Greek Government bond market was renewed for 18 financial and credit institutions
The status of Key Dealer in the Greek Government bond market was renewed for 18 financial and credit institutions
Concern about food inflation and rising prices
The Bank of Greece presented on Wednesday its interim report on monetary policy for 2022
Interview of the head of the Bank of Greece in the German newspaper - He explains in detail the reasons why he appears optimistic
Τhe annualized rate of increase slightly slowed from the 7.8-percent pace in the first half of 2020
Bank of Greece Gov. this week again warned against a too austere policy by the European Central Bank
What the central bank data shows
The BoG is one of the first central banks in the world to deal systematically with the issue of climate change
What the data show
The head of the Bank of Greece acknowledged that banks are benefiting from the increase in interest rates
The image of tourism for the first semester is close to that of 2019
A decrease was recorded in regular budget expenditures
What the data show
What the figures of the Bank of Greece show
The deputy governor of the Bank of Greece also talked about inflation
Credit expansion on the rise in May
Company deposits grew
What the data show
What data show
What Bank of Greece data show
Statement by the Governor of the Bank of Greece on World Environment Day
Speech on the future of Europe - What he said about Ukraine, memoranda, US, and European integration
The two major categories of loans that could provide new non-performing loans
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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