BoG: Alarm over reduced income from deposits
They fell by 260m euros in February, for the first time in five years
They fell by 260m euros in February, for the first time in five years
Incoming travel traffic increased by 256.7%, as 341.4 thousand travelers visited our country
Last year, during the same period, there was a primary cash deficit of 2.719 billion euros
Russia's attack drastically changes the landscape - How the bond buying program will continue - The scores of rating agencies
Arrivals of non-resident travelers increased by 96.8% and related receipts by 144.6% compared to the same period of 2020, representing 47% and 59% of the respective levels of 2019
According to the updated estimates of the Bank of Greece, the medium-term sustainability of the public debt remains guaranteed
The main sources of concern according to the BoG governor?
The financial staff is on alert for the effects of the virus mutation
"Banks should speed up the process of recognizing new NPLs in their balance sheets, as, with the abolition of borrower support measures, they should transparently reflect the challenges they face," Stournaras said.
What the Bank of Greece announced
The larger decrease in imports compared to exports contributed to the January-February decrease by 1.2 billion euros
Warnings for the "day after" - The gradual rise of economic activity will begin in the second quarter - Support measures until growth reemerges
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
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