Opposition Reacts Strongly to Greek Government Reshuffle
PASOK's spokesperson, Kostas Tsoukalas, characterized the reshuffle as a clear indication of Mitsotakis' "strategic deadlock."
PASOK's spokesperson, Kostas Tsoukalas, characterized the reshuffle as a clear indication of Mitsotakis' "strategic deadlock."
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on Sunday ruled out any pending Cabinet reshuffle, in fielding numerous questions during a wide-ranging press confidence in the northern city of Thessaloniki, a day after giving a customary state-of-the-economy address on the sidelines of a major trade fair there. As expected, most press questions focused on massive flood damages […]
Kyriakos Mitsotakis's reference to fast and slow ministers may hide changes, when necessary
The die is cast. The reshuffle is now a fact and it held surprises. At first, an autonomous Ministry of Civil Protection was set up, with a surprise minister: Retired Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis. Another surprise is the appointment of Thanasis Plevris as the Minister of Health and the appointment of the non-parliamentary pulmonologist, Minas Gaga, as […]
The extension of the tourist season as well as the increase of foreign visitors in the country in 2022 are the goals of the new Minister of Tourism, Vassilis Kikilias. His predecessor Haris Theocharis left the government. The goal of the new leadership of the Ministry of Tourism is to protect the country’s brand as […]
The foundations of the Ministry of Finance were not shaken by this reshuffle with the Prime Minister giving a vote of confidence to the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. The information that the Minister of Finance Christos Staikouras and the Deputy Minister of Finance Theodoros Skylakakis were not refuted and are officially included in […]
The post of Deputy Minister of Finance in charge of the financial system is abolished.
Changes in the government structure were announced by Megaro Maximou in a surprise announcement on Friday morning, in the aftermath of the catastrophic fires in the country.
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