ECB’s Interest Rate Cut: Relief for Businesses, Limited Impact on Mortgages
In 2024, many businesses, especially small ones, were struggling with increased borrowing costs, making debt servicing a nightmare.
In 2024, many businesses, especially small ones, were struggling with increased borrowing costs, making debt servicing a nightmare.
In this context, they emphasize that those who do not intend to explore their luck in alternative forms of savings/investment over the next two years and have surplus liquidity would do well to hurry and lock in their interest rates until 2026
The "waiver" for the financing of Greek banks by the ECB is unnecessary
The interview of the head of the ECB is live
The Bank of Greece hosts the meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Ban
The ECB's Board of Directors is meeting in Athens on interest rates
The influential ECB central banker and former IMF managing director also called on depositors in Greece to negotiate for better interest rates for their savings
She also touches on improved figures for the country’s national debt
Ahead of the meeting at the headquarters of the Bank of Greece
What is expected in the coming days
For the greedy and other economic "prophets" here, we point out that if Greece were not a member of the Eurozone, apart from the final collapse of its economy, today it would have about 1,000 billion euros in foreign debt and its inhabitants are a question if they could in winter to be warmed for more than one to two hours.
Greece received a more-or-less early “Christmas present” on Thursday, as the European Central Bank (ECB) sent a "strong signal" by explicitly announcing that it could reinvest proceeds from its PEPP bond-buying scheme in Greek government bonds if the country needs support
Η ρύθμιση για τα family offices θα αποδειχθεί ίσως η πιο ριζοσπαστική από όλες τις ρυθμίσεις των κινήτρων για τα ειδικά καθεστώτα φορολογίας.
Along with Italy, Greece’s securities are still among the “riskiest” in the euro-zone, but at the same time among the best yielding
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