Transport and Infrastructure Minister: Greek Hydrogen Economy at €10bln in 2050
Minister Christos Staikouras said the goal was to establish at least 26 hydrogen stations in the country by 2030
Minister Christos Staikouras said the goal was to establish at least 26 hydrogen stations in the country by 2030
The 12 policy packages of the first quarter at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Greek Transportation Minister meets with the head of the Western Balkans Transport Community, Matej Zakonjsek
Analyzing the pillars of a holistic response to the challenges, he emphasized, among other things, the promotion of electric mobility
Specific initiatives to strengthen the operation of the Civil Aviation Authority
Speaking amid a now official campaign period, Staikouras forecast that economic growth this year will reach 2.3 percent, up from a previous 2-percent forecast
"The Greek economy has turned the page. It returned, dynamically, to the European scene" commented the Minister of Finance
Finance ministers meet a few days before the ECB meeting where, barring the unexpected, another interest rate hike will be decided
On the sidelines of a summit of Eurozone FinMins, Staikouras directly cited the Commission’s forecast for Greek GDP growth in 2023 and 2024 above the European average, along with a de-escalation of inflation
Τhe center-right government will continue to subsidize certain categories of power bills in the country
The bond features a 4.250-percent coupon, and priced at 99.782, with the yield easing to 4.279 percent, according to book-running sources
The planning for the Extrajudicial Mechanism for 2023
Christos Staikouras on Tuesday was named “Finance Minister of the Year 2023 for Europe” by the Financial Times group's “The Banker” magazine.
The world and our national economies are still faced with unprecedented and continuous exogenous crises in various areas.
Christos Staikouras spoke on Friday at the 24th annual Capital Link investment forum in New York City
The Eurogroup decision releases the eight and last tranche of profits generated by Greek bonds (ANFA/SMP) held by the ECB and Eurozone member-states central banks
The government wants a proposal by banks on this issue within the next two weeks.
Market sources cited an initiative to facilitate a decrease in monthly payments for borrowers meeting specific and strict criteria
The meeting comes as repeated interest rate hikes by the ECB and an energy crisis-induced inflation have raised borrowing costs and the cost of servicing loans based on variable rates.
Greece has no room for complacency
Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras on Thursday briefed representatives of several international banking groups and ratings agencies
Greek GDP is to increase this year by 5.3% versus a European average of 3.1%, while in 2023 economic growth will be 2.1%, against a 0.9% European average.
ECB estimates predict a deterioration of all variables in terms of inflation and growth in the Eurozone - A recession scenario is possible in 2023
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