EIB Survey: Greeks Rank Climate Change as Top Concern After Cost of Living
Specifically, 98% of the Greeks surveyed stated that the country must to adapt to climate change, with 60% saying that priority should be given to these adjustment measures
Specifically, 98% of the Greeks surveyed stated that the country must to adapt to climate change, with 60% saying that priority should be given to these adjustment measures
February 2024 was the hottest over the past 15 years in northern Greece, according to meteo.gr, a subsidiary of the National Observatory of Athens
For most regions it was the warmest July in the last 14 years
Sensors, drones, satellite imagery and data analysis platforms in the battle to protect cultural heritage and coastal monuments
Chios, Thessaly, Macedonia, Thrace and Eastern Crete facing water shortages and drought
The effects of the phenomenon
The renewed targets will help limit global warming to 1.5oC
Heat waves, floods and devastating storms have caused economic losses of more than €145 billion in the EU over the past decade
Norwegian former foreign minister and top UN official Terje Rod-Larsen also participated in the dinner
The cost of climate change if Greece doesn't adapt to climate change will reach 700 bln euros by 2100
Statement by the Governor of the Bank of Greece on World Environment Day
Very significant amounts of greenhouse gases greatly affect human health as well as the climate
The findings of a nationwide poll
The conditions that shape the volatile international environment for the primary sector and the effects of the climate crisis
Fire protection, flood protection and rockfall management projects
The first Regional Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PESR) in Greece was approved - Another 12 will follow
It was rated A- by the CDP and ranked in the top 15% of all companies with published data worldwide and among the five cement companies that have achieved a similar rating for 2021
Pope Francis met with the Archbishop of Athens, Ieronymos II, at the Athens Archdiocese.
The Government is creating a Climate Dialogue Forum, with the participation of representatives of industries, companies, professional organizations, universities, environmental NGOs, trade unions, municipalities, regions
Among others, the influential central banker and former Greek finance minister again underlined that climate change risks, a source of instability and financial vulnerability, can in the end be turned into an opportunity
According to the financial newspaper, the next government is called upon to take important decisions. The weaker the government is, the more difficult and complicated the process will be
The President of the European Commission stresses that nine countries in the southern Mediterranean can be pioneers in the fight against climate change
K. Bakoyannis: Athens will be unfit to live in if we do not shield it
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