Shipping Community Calls for Clear Policies to Fully Exploit LNG as a Fuel
Maritime leaders urge EU to lead on methane abatement in shipping
Maritime leaders urge EU to lead on methane abatement in shipping
However, the Commission warned about the need for balance, emphasizing that substantial wage hikes, without parallel productivity gains, could adversely impact competitiveness across Europe
The European Commission has decided to refer Greece to the European Court of Justice for three different cases
It confirms the objectives of the draft budget submitted to Parliament
On March 13-14, finance ministers meet in Brussels to reform the Stability Pact
The program was designed to protect jobs and incomes affected by the pandemic
As the Greek MEP pointed out their integrity is decisive for the European economy and society, asking the EU for a clear framework for safeguards
The Commission's plans for the Greek public debt presented in the German press
Athens appears determined to deflect a Commission proposal for a pan-European reduction in the consumption of natural gas
What Christos Staikouras discussed with the Executive Vice-President of the Commission
In a later statement, Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said the country was returning to a “European normalcy” and ceases to be a Eurozone exception
The energy privatizations for DEPA Infrastructure and gas storage of Kavala Prefecture are postponed even further
The question is the common European solution and perspective in the field of energy
The Commission has approved the scheme under EU State Aid Rules.
New support measures are being utilized
Interest rate starts to be zeroed on all first demand accounts - Earnings from commissions on individuals
Commission Vice President M. Sefkovic, responding to the ND MEP on energy prices, recommended "member states to develop the toolbox to the fullest"
The Commission report is going to give the green light for the disbursement of the tranche by recording Greece's progress in a series of reforms
Εspecially ones affecting vulnerable households
The scheme was approved under the provisional framework for state aid - Public support will take the form of direct grants
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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