New power plant eyed for Alexandroupolis vicinity
The go-ahead comes after approval this week by the board of directors of PPC and DEPA
The go-ahead comes after approval this week by the board of directors of PPC and DEPA
DEPA Commerce signed an agreement for the supply of LNG over the next five months
PPC plans to enter into a corporate structure for a modern natural gas fueled station as the needs for cleaner electricity generation increase
The vehicles of the poultry unit will be replaced with vehicles that run on natural gas.
The energy privatizations for DEPA Infrastructure and gas storage of Kavala Prefecture are postponed even further
Energy efficiency and new conditions
The total amount of natural gas to be supplied to Bulgaria in May is equivalent to 61,000 MWh / day, according to Bloomberg sources.
On May 25, the payment of the next installment by DEPA Commerce
What the company announced
Energy minister's letter to the gas supply companies
From the profits, it allocated 80 million euros in discounts on gas prices
What the new agreement includes
The months-long negotiations between DEPA Commerce and Gazprom at company level ended yesterday in an agreement with favorable terms for the Greek market.
The government seeks to build defenses with the two companies against the rise in energy prices. The scenarios for the "freezing" of the two privatizations.
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