Eurostat: Inflation in the eurozone at 7% in April – At 4.5% for Greece
Which products played the most important role - What about structural inflation - The ECB's next moves
Which products played the most important role - What about structural inflation - The ECB's next moves
He said monetary police must remain devoted to the goal of containing inflation at low levels
Andrea Enria, met with Bank of Greece (BoG) Gov. Yannis Stournaras in Athens on Thursday
The influential Greek central banker, considered a “dove” on the ECB governing council, made the statement in a recent interview given to the German financial daily Handelsbatt and financial reporter Gerd Höhler
Interview of the head of the Bank of Greece in the German newspaper - He explains in detail the reasons why he appears optimistic
December's bet for the ECB
Inflation in Europe will be around 5.5% in 2023, significantly lower than today which is around 10%, Bank of Greece governor says in pod-cast with OT.
Bank of Greece Gov. this week again warned against a too austere policy by the European Central Bank
Pressures on the Eurozone bond market
What talks will focus on
Voices are growing at the ECB for a new aggressive increase in interest rates in October
This evidenced from the data on reinvestment
Energy is the biggest contributor to price formation (up 39.7% from +42% registered in June), followed by food, alcohol and tobacco (9.8% from 8.9% in June)
Piraeus Chamber of Commerce & Industry is calling for a "protective" mechanism against the aggressive increase in interest rates
Moody's economists expect southern European banks to be the main beneficiaries
8.1% in the Eurozone - What will the ECB do?
The Vice President of the ECB said that there is no risk of stagflation - What he said about Greek bonds
The European Central Bank is considering a plan to continue accepting Greek bonds until 2024
The chairman of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank described as fortuitous the fact that the pandemic did not stop the progress on the red loans front.
It says it is ready to properly adjust all the means at its disposal in order to ensure the stabilization of inflation close to 2% in the medium term, but without yet raising interest rates.
In 2022 they expect to make up for interest losses as a result of consolidating their balance sheets through three other sources
According to recent ECB data, the ratio of commission income to the total income of domestic banks is below 15% compared to more than 30% in the EU.
For the greedy and other economic "prophets" here, we point out that if Greece were not a member of the Eurozone, apart from the final collapse of its economy, today it would have about 1,000 billion euros in foreign debt and its inhabitants are a question if they could in winter to be warmed for more than one to two hours.
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