ECB’s decision and the “battle” for the upgrade of the economy
Three distinguished economists analyze in the journal "NEA" the ECB's decision and its spillovers for the Greek economy
Three distinguished economists analyze in the journal "NEA" the ECB's decision and its spillovers for the Greek economy
The next scheduled review of Greece's credit rating 'BB' / Stable is on January 14
The ECB kept the interest rate unchanged at -0.5% and the key refinancing rate at 0%
Greece received a more-or-less early “Christmas present” on Thursday, as the European Central Bank (ECB) sent a "strong signal" by explicitly announcing that it could reinvest proceeds from its PEPP bond-buying scheme in Greek government bonds if the country needs support
These are the guarantees it has given to the systemic banks to proceed with the securitization of the red loans
ECB staff members work closely with the European Pensions and Occupational Insurance Authority
According to ECB Governing Board member Philip Lane, the ECB will reinvest the bonds in its portfolio under the PEPP program, which expire at least by the end of 2023
The Stress Test Exercise was based on a Static balance sheet approach, thus factoring in the Group financial and capital position of 31.12.2020 as a starting point, conducting a 3-year horizon stress simulation (2021-23), under a Baseline and an Adverse scenario
Along with Italy, Greece’s securities are still among the “riskiest” in the euro-zone, but at the same time among the best yielding
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