Coronavirus: “Those who are not vaccinated may be hospitalized,” says Hospital Docs Prez
"Whoever is vaccinated will go through it mildly, the unvaccinated may be hospitalized" stressed Matina Pagoni
"Whoever is vaccinated will go through it mildly, the unvaccinated may be hospitalized" stressed Matina Pagoni
According to Dr. Pagoni, the decline of the Delta mutation is a very positive event
"It would be good to get a vaccine for all coronaviruses once a year, to calm everyone down," said Dr. Matina Pagoni
As the president of hospital doctors' union EINAP stressed, the measures against the coronavirus will gradually relax, however he explained that the masks can not be removed
"Hard markers, deaths and ICU patients will be slow to decline"
The president of EINAP warned that a large number of coronavirus cases are expected in the near future and that the peak is expected around January 12-15
The goal is for the cases of Omicron to recover at home with mild symptoms and not to burden the Health system and the vaccination helps in this, stressed the president of EINAP
The president of EINAP, Matina Pagoni, spoke on Saturday morning about the course of the pandemic and the contagion of Omicron that is sweeping our country. "The difficult incidents are those with Delta," she said SHARE
Ms Pagoni said a general lockdown "would be the biggest mistake of the government" especially with the number of citizens who have been vaccinated and given the third boost.
The president of hospital doctor's union EINAP expressed her concern about the double-digit deaths of the last days, as only yesterday only 80 people died from coronavirus
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