Greece Second in Informal Employment among Eurozone
High levels of informal employment place Greece and Portugal at the top, reflecting deep-rooted challenges in labor regulation
High levels of informal employment place Greece and Portugal at the top, reflecting deep-rooted challenges in labor regulation
The possibility of employment is extended to the sixth day of the week in businesses operating continuously, implementing a five-day work system with alternating shifts, with additional work compensated at a 40% increase.
Negative quality characteristics of the labor market despite its recovery
With 2,036 hours of average working hours per year Greeks are first in Europe, but...
July was a negative month with a loss of 11,293 jobs
The survey, conducted on a sample of 510 employers, found that employment prospects will rise by 8 percent in the third quarter of 2023
Specifically, new hirings totaled more than 929,000 over the four-month period
The balance of March's employment flows
Salaries of wage-earners in Greece improved in 2022
The strongest region in terms of hiring intention is Northern Greece
According to the labor ministry's Ergani employment registration system, new hirings totaled 2.505 million in the first 10-month period of the year
This is the third consecutive month that the relevant figures are moving upwards, while according to banking sources, similar trends are also observed in July
Data from a Greek labor ministry platform
The balance of salaried employment flows remained positive, both in May and in the first half of the year
The aim of the program is to recruit long-term (12+ months) unemployed people, aged 55-67 years old, in full-time jobs
23% of micro-enterprises, 17% of small, 16% of medium-sized and 14% of large enterprises face difficulties in filling positions
Recruitment announcements amounted to 297,918 and departures to 173,553
Increase in production and jobs in December
The unemployment rate reminds us of 2011, according to the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), with the redundancies increased by 63,000, as recorded by the data from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (Ergani system), in September
Wage and full-time employment recovered significantly in the second quarter of 2021, while, at the beginning of the previous decade, the employment was disrupted
ICAP study is concerned with labor market developments
"The total aid to Greece from the Program, in order to support employment, will amount to 5.27 billion euros - almost double the initial forecast," said FinMin Chr. Staikouras
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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