EU: Changes in Labeling for Honey, Fruit Juices, and Jams
The revised guidelines, aimed at promoting healthier diets and enhancing consumer awareness, bring changes to labeling practices for honey, fruit juices, and jams
The revised guidelines, aimed at promoting healthier diets and enhancing consumer awareness, bring changes to labeling practices for honey, fruit juices, and jams
56 percent of respondents said they've dipped into savings to pay monthly bills
A new chapter in the relations between Greece and India - In January in Athens, the Indian Minister of Animal Husbandry
In the event of a new price crisis, subsidizing consumer accounts from the excess revenues of the companies is foreseen
The position of the largest merchant fleet in the world was given by the representatives of the Union of Greek Shipowners
The minister attended and greeted the event for the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with the participation of 85 Greek cities
Border controls are being stepped up for dangerous pesticide residue
What Eurostat figures show
The European Commission's draft for the enlargement process
The extraordinary council of EU energy ministers will convene on 30 September
The number of commercial flights in the European Union increased by 25% in August
What a document sent on the occasion of the change in the financial rules reveals
The report said Greece maintained its momentum in the first quarter of 2022, with real GDP growing by 2.3 percent qoq
Reforms in Greece, the pandemic, the war and the digitization of the State
The new framework for Greece budgeted at 26.5 billion euros, of which 20.9 billion are the EU’s portion
Spain, Greece and Italy recorded the highest unemployment rates
"The four countries have agreed that the solutions can not be only national," the prime minister stressed in joint statements with Draghi, Sanchez and Costa.
The Council's agenda is expected to see the recovery of European Tourism after two years of pandemic
He will take part in the European Union (EU) Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
The European Foreign Ministers will also hold talks with their Ukrainian counterpart
Unemployment rate in the eurozone fell to 7% - Second highest rate is in Greece
Crucial is the ongoing assessment that will put Greece's progress on the list of measures and reforms on the table - What is changing
According to the Commission, Greece's first payment request concerns 15 milestones covering many reforms and investments
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Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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