Eurobarometer: Europeans Concerned About Rising Cost of Living, What Greeks Say
The protection of peace and strengthening of security ranks very high (45%), in Greece, followed by improved cooperation between Greece and other EU countries (36%)
The protection of peace and strengthening of security ranks very high (45%), in Greece, followed by improved cooperation between Greece and other EU countries (36%)
The report, released just ahead of European elections, shows 14% of Greeks saying they have directly benefitted from EU support in response to a major crisis
Regarding their participation in the forthcoming European parliament elections, 60% of Europeans (+11 points compared to March 2019) and 56% of Greeks express interest in voting in the June European elections
The survey also indicates that the majority of Europeans (47%) maintain a positive perception of the EU, with 21% expressing negativity and 30% neutrality
In response to the same question, 62% of citizens in other EU member states state they face no problems paying bills, 28% say they encounter challenges occasionally, 9% report frequent financial management issues, and 1% did not respond
Greek policy priorities include the fight against poverty and social exclusion, the economy and job creation and public health
The impact of multiple crises over recent years is evident, according to the EU pollster, as one in two respondents consider that their living standards have fallen, while forecasting that this trend will continue over the coming year. For Greece, the figure stands at 66 percent, worse than the EU average.
Energy inflation continues to thrash family budgets with households unable to pay their electricity bills
The most recent Eurobarometer brings to light alarming data on the financial situation of Greek citizens
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