EIB Survey: Greeks Rank Climate Change as Top Concern After Cost of Living
Specifically, 98% of the Greeks surveyed stated that the country must to adapt to climate change, with 60% saying that priority should be given to these adjustment measures
Specifically, 98% of the Greeks surveyed stated that the country must to adapt to climate change, with 60% saying that priority should be given to these adjustment measures
Greeks still lack knowledge about effective climate change solutions scoring below the EU average on an EIB survey of 35 countries.
Ioannis Tsakiris started the new role May 1 after spending 15 years at the European Investment Fund (EIF) and serving as Greece’s Deputy Minister for Development and Investments
The total investment throughout the EU is billed as reaching 2.5 billion euros
The loan agreement cites a “new productivity model, under terms of social justice and sustainable development," according to FinMin Christos Staikouras
What does the Greek proposal to the Council of Energy Ministers mean? Two more moves by the government for prices and adequacy.
The EIB Vice President speaks to "NEA" and emphasizes that the Greek economy has shown with the strong growth it achieved last year that it has the ability to recover from difficulties
Greece becomes the largest recipient of EIB and EIF funding per capita
The new financing scheme, which comes in the form of a 30-year loan, will fund construction of Section A – Alsos Veikou-Goudi.
The Prime Minister met with the President of the European Investment Bank (EIB)
Afterwards, he scheduled to deliver the opening address at the annual general assembly of the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE), held at the Zappeion Hall
Issues related to debt sustainability and the financing of NSRF projects are expected to be discussed by the Greek Minister of Finance
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