EU Cracks Down on Social Media Influencers Making Illegal Profits
A recent EU inquiry uncovered 358 online influencers, among them 20 in Greece, found to be violating consumer laws
A recent EU inquiry uncovered 358 online influencers, among them 20 in Greece, found to be violating consumer laws
The survey also indicates that the majority of Europeans (47%) maintain a positive perception of the EU, with 21% expressing negativity and 30% neutrality
Notably, except for Attica, where per capita GDP is 90% of the European average, in other Greek regions it is below 75% of the EU
The five EU laws in a relevant pact touch on all stages of asylum and migration management, according to a press release
€10.6 billion is earmarked in reallocations of funds
In all countries except Bulgaria, the average life satisfaction was above 6, indicating that most people in the EU reported being more satisfied than dissatisfied, explained the statistical agency
The figure for Greece is 17 percent in the specific age category for degree-holders
The agreement comes in the wake of a G7 decision last September to set a ceiling on Russian crude
Kyriakos Mitsotakis expressed optimism that the next EU Council meeting, in two weeks, will result in a tangible EU-wide decision
One in two Europeans aged 15 to 24 prefer counterfeit products
Legislation to abolish mobile roaming surcharges would expire on 30 June 202
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
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