Eva Kaili: At least three more weeks in prison – New developments in Qatar Gate case
The new phase of the investigation will include new suspects and new requests from the authorities
The new phase of the investigation will include new suspects and new requests from the authorities
What the lawyer from Brussels, Nikos Korogiannakis, reveals
The investigation by Belgian authorities continues, revealing more and more evidence about the corruption scandal in the European Parliament
Le Soir and La Repubblica: revelations about the Qatargate scandal
The former vice-president of the European Parliament revealed what she will do if the judicial authorities finally decide on her release in the near future
Ms. Kaili, who was accompanied by her lawyers, filed a request to be released from prison and remain at home with a wristband
A prosecutor in Brussels ordered the continued remand of Greek MEP Eva Kaili
In an extensive report, Politico reveals how Eva and Madalena Kaili used the position of MEP for projects that were paid handsomely.
What the German press is reporting on the case of Eva Kaili
Under Panzeri's guidance, Francesco Giorgi, reportedly, controls a wide network of MEPs
Eva Kaili will try to separate her position from the rest of the defendants
This has also come under the microscope of the authorities
He spoke about the routes of money and donations through the Panzeri NGO, writes Corriere della Serra
How Eva Kaili is trying to differentiate herself from the rest of the defendants
The investigations into Qatargate and Eva Kaili's involvement are proceeding at a rapid pace
He claimed that the it was a pair of top EU leaders who first tabled the issue of boosting relations
This news contradicts what we knew about the money found during the investigations
Eva Kaili declares her innocence through her lawyer regarding the charges brought against her by the Belgian authorities
Eva Kaili's assets that have been frozen by decision of the authorities.
The Belgian authorities have submitted a relevant request to the Anti-Money Laundering Authority
Eva Kaili along with three other people were taken to prison with serious charges
Qatar Gate has shocked the European Parliament, with Eva Kaili being among those arrested.
Brussels is being swept Into the vortex of Qatar Gate, the corruption scandal in the European Parliament in which Greek EuroMP Eva Kaili is the protagonist. Since Friday when the issue was revealed, developments have been cascading
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