Greek Farmers Escalate Protests, Form Roadblocks Throughout Country
Greek farmers are demanding measures to reduce production costs, subsidies for key supplies and higher pensions following several years of decreased profits.
Greek farmers are demanding measures to reduce production costs, subsidies for key supplies and higher pensions following several years of decreased profits.
Greece's most iconic agricultural products are already impacted by climate change and the future of Greek farmers is getting increasingly uncertain
Protesters have demanded untaxed diesel fuel, subsidized electricity, a clampdown on ag imports presented as domestic products and even revisions of the EU’s standing Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
The Greek farmers have been conducting road blockades for the past 3 weeks demanding cheaper fuel oil and subsidies for lost income due to extreme weather, among other things
Mitsotakis is due to receive 15 representatives of protesting farmers and stockbreeders on Tuesday
Ag-related funding, subsidies and facilitation comes amid ongoing farmers' mobilizations in Greece and western Europe
The demands of Karditsa and Larissa farmers
The selling price of apples shows a decrease of more than 50%
So far, corn crops, vines, fruit and vegetable crops, tree crops (pears, apples, etc.) have been destroyed by boars.
Farmers are forced into a later production and harvest
Greek side calls for initiatives to balance increased production costs and address export problems
The transfer of credits to the Ministry of Regional Development was inked
The Ministry of Finance has decided the criteria and the procedure followed for the subsidization of farmers and agricultural holdings that have suffered extensive damage from natural disasters
The Greek Ministers, Christos Staikouras and Spilios Livanos made announcements for the new support measures for the farmers
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