Fuel adulteration: Large price discrepancies at gas stations should make consumers suspicious
"Smugglers and those who adulterate fuel have become experts in their field," emphasizes the vice-president of the Federation of Petrol Dealers of Greece
"Smugglers and those who adulterate fuel have become experts in their field," emphasizes the vice-president of the Federation of Petrol Dealers of Greece
Murders, "death contracts", lack of controls, and new plans
Revealing data from the Association of Greek Petroleum Trading Companies for the delinquency in the market of motor fuels - At 100-150 million euros per year the loss of tax revenues - The phenomena of smuggling, fraud and interference in the pumps increase
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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