ELSTAT – Explosion of accommodation turnover in July
The data come from companies with an obligation to maintain ledgers
The data come from companies with an obligation to maintain ledgers
This is according to a survey by Russia's largest insurance company Rosgosstrakh
Greek Tourism Minister Vassilis Kikilias on Thursday evening pointed to an opportunity to further boost Greece-China relations in various fields
The more optimistic scenario, one now considered by the finance ministry and cited by National Bank economists in a new commissioned study, is a “V type” recovery for the year, with GDP increase in 2020 touching on 7.5 percent
The number of employed persons reacged 3,915,253, people showing an increase of 8.0%, compared to the previous quarter and 1.9%, compared to the corresponding quarter of the previous year
The forecasts of reputable financial institutions for inflation in the country do not exceed 0.6% for this year
While Europe reduces the additional mortality caused by the pandemic, Greece and Cyprus are recording more deaths than expected
Bratakos, who is the general secretary of the ruling New Democracy (ND) party, was elected during a session of ACCI’s board of directors
He will also participate in the Greece-US strategic dialogue and is also expected to meet with his American counterpart, Anthony Blinken
September made an auspicious beginning in the islands of the South Aegean, judging by the number of international arrivals at the five international airports of Rhodes, Kos, Karpathos, Santorini and Mykonos in the first ten days
The unemployed amounted to 664,384 people, recording a decrease of 108,058 people compared to July 2020 (-14.0%) and 40,485 people compared to June 2021 (-5.7%)
Greece was voted the best travel destination of the year for luxury tourism at the "Inspire me Award", which established this year for the first time the authoritative German professional online magazine "LuxusInsider"
The measure is expected to operate in addition to the recruitment premium for new entrants up to 29 years of age in the labor market
At the beginning of September, the Public Debt Management Agency proceeded to the reissue of a bond maturing in 2026 and the reissue of the 30-year bond, where it raised 2.5 billion euros.
According to the results, Greece is in 78th place among 165 countries in the index of economic freedom, in between Central Asia’s Kirgizstan and the neighboring North Macedonia. Nevertheless, on the bright side, the country moved up four places compared to the previous study’s rankings, as based on 2018 data.
The epidemiological data in Greece on Monday, September 13
Will Greece follow the example of other European countries that have proceeded with similar publications to finance projects with environmental benefits?
The national strategy for cotton is put up for public consultation by 4/10/2021.
MoU is coming between the Greek and Egyptian Administrator. 2 GW electrical interfaces
The average expenditure per tourist is much higher than in 2019, stressed the Deputy Minister of Tourism
Regarding the railway, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport stressed that "we are working on three pillars"
How oil companies are treating Greece now - Why they seem to be changing attitude
The corporate tax rate will be decreased in 2022 from 24 to 22 percent, a nod to the business sector.
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