Sixty industrial groups on the starting line for relaunch
A favorable environment for the start of large investments in the country from the Recovery Fund - What plans are in the pipeline
A favorable environment for the start of large investments in the country from the Recovery Fund - What plans are in the pipeline
The blueprint, presented by a special work group of the Plan – itself is overseen by several ministers of the Mitsotakis Cabinet – takes into account the scheduled connection of most Aegean islands and Crete with the mainland grid by 2028
Currently, the Union funnels 58 billion euros annual towards the farm sector. However, private investment is increasingly important.
Νatgas-fired units proposed
The decision was taken due to a surge in the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections detected on the island
The emphasis is on guaranteeing permanent sources of liquidity and capital infusions from the markets
First phase involves seated customers in outdoor areas
Οutdoor service for seated customers
Govt eyes incentives to lure back others
After 22 months of governing and 15 months of managing the pandemic citizens trust in the ruling party remains strong
Strong recovery of 6.2% in 2022 from 3.6% this year, is the prediction included in the text submitted to the Commission last night by the Greek government
the aircraft had taken off from the JFK in New York, bound for Israel
Clean energy and concessions strengthened the group's EBITDA
The initiative seeks to support the shipping industry in achieving CO2 reduction targets
The Minister of Tourism met with senior executives of the two American companies in the USA
Top analyst says post-pandemic reforms must be fully implementing
S&P noted that the positive outlook is indicative of a further upgrade in the future
According to information, the decision of the Council of State regarding the solution of the removal and relocation of the antiquities at Venizelos Station is positive
Liabilities are increasing and endurance no longer exists
Kalamata is being discovered by German visitors.
Fitch joins Moody’s and S&P in viewing the Greek economy positively
The possible upgrades of the Greek economy with the help of the Recovery Facility may enable Greece to again play ball on the investment level.
Representatives called for a 300-million-euro “injection” towards the retail sector
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
Ιδιοκτησία - Δικαιούχος domain name: ΟΝΕ DIGITAL SERVICES MONOΠΡΟΣΩΠΗ ΑΕ
Νόμιμος Εκπρόσωπος: Ιωάννης Βρέντζος
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