IMF Report: Dip in Greek Public Debt to 138.8% by 2029
An IMF report cites a 30-percentage-point decrease in the GDP-to-debt ratio due to continued economic growth, inflation and a 2018 debt relief agreement
An IMF report cites a 30-percentage-point decrease in the GDP-to-debt ratio due to continued economic growth, inflation and a 2018 debt relief agreement
The elections, the debt and the Stability Program
What Reuters analysis shows about the upcoming upgrades
What Eurostat figures show
The 1st post-program supervision report of Greece and the 8th installment to our country will be submitted
The publication of the new assessment of the Greek economy by the Institutions brings debt relief and an influx of liquidity.
The American rating agency once again kept Greece's credit rating unchanged at "BB", while maintaining the outlook at "positive". elements that would justify an upgrade.
The Deputy Minister of Finance pointed out the pros and cons of the country in the current situation
What is the real state of the Greek economy? How are its basic measures affected? What are the opportunities that arise and what are the risks that arise?
S&P, Fitch and Moody's estimate that the continuation of the reforms and the resources of the Recovery Fund will give a big boost to the investments and consequently to growth in the medium term.
Greece is expected to record a primary deficit of 7.3% of GDP this year and 1.3% in 2022, while from 2023 it will show a surplus of 0.2%
Debt interest expense of the Central Administration is close to 3.8% of GDP - What now with bond issues and the cost of service
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