BNP Paribas: Foresees 2.8% growth for Greece in 2022
Why the country is no longer the focus of fears in the eurozone - What BNP Paribas analysis shows
Why the country is no longer the focus of fears in the eurozone - What BNP Paribas analysis shows
Members of the group are top business executives under the age of 50, from throughout the world
Recommendation for structural reforms and prudent policy
Greek PM spoke to an audience at the annual general assembly of the Hellenic Federation of Business (SEV)
Big increase for consumption, investments and exports
What the bank's study shows
Clear will and readiness of the bank to lead the next day of Greek entrepreneurship
Greece has made significant progress in implementing the plan, as well as the broader reform agenda.
The benefits of the National Strategic Extroversion Plan according to Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy and Openness Kostas Fragogiannis
Continuation of the investment plan - The estimate for a turnover increase of more than 50% this year is confirmed, says the management
The reduction of insurance contributions and solidarity contribution is made permanent
Market participants explain why it is difficult to reduce prices on the shelves despite the generous package to contain energy costs
What the Minister of Finance said about growth and inflation
Foreign capital is expected to give a new impetus to a rather distressed market
Report of the Financial Studies Department of Alpha Bank
International companies reduce the growth rate of Greek GDP below consensus
What a relevant study shows about economic developments
The challenges and positive elements for the Greek economy
The upgrade on Friday helped the Public Debt Management Agency to strengthen the return of Greece to international markets
This is the 9th - in a row - upgrade of the Greek economy in the last two and a half years, stressed the Minister of Finance
A step before the investment level the country - The message of the Prime Minister
Goldman Sachs CEO talks about the prospects of the Greek economy in the light of new data
Mr. Petsas pointed out that the government is adapting to the conditions and moving in such a way that it will not shake confidence in the Greek economy.
Διαχειριστής - Διευθυντής: Λευτέρης Θ. Χαραλαμπόπουλος
Διευθύντρια Σύνταξης: Αργυρώ Τσατσούλη
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