Evros border fence planned extension becomes Greek election issue
The government brings refugee management back to the fore - Mitsotakis visits border - The contract for the construction of 35 km long projects is signed
The government brings refugee management back to the fore - Mitsotakis visits border - The contract for the construction of 35 km long projects is signed
What are the estimates of the Italian banks for the Greek elections
The videotaped interview was given to a former political rival, journalist and TV presenter Stavros Theodorakis
The government's moves after the extension of the electoral horizon - The new timetable until the elections and the three-point strategy
"We are all to blame", said the Prime Minister yesterday in his introduction to the Council of Ministers, adding: "However, the tragedy happened with us at the helm of the country", he stressed. "I can't turn back time"
The information about a change in the electoral planning after the Tempi tragedy is confirmed
New intervention by PM Mitsotakis in the Cabinet ten days after the tragedy in Tempi – Prime Minister's visit to the Presidential Palace tomorrow
The prime minister's office is now asking for the acceleration of every process related to the safe operation of the rail network
Kyriakos Mitsotakis' open speech in Larissa - investing in the Thessaly plain
What UBS predicts for elections and the investment grade
Expectations from New Democracy from the market pass in 8 million citizens
The government's balance sheet is mixed, the German newspaper comments
What government sources said after a meeting led by the prime minister
The scenarios for the third increase in a row and the upcoming procedures for shaping wages
The PM's office and New Democracy party HQ are in full coordination, under Mitsotakis – Which persons are participating in the... discussions and what is the agenda
Every move by the PM's office stokes the election flame – The discussions that the announcement on the increase of the minimum wage opened
Final decision not yet taken by PM's Office
"One possibility is that before Easter the first ballot will be cast," Makis Voridis hinted.
Anarchy, scenarios, partnerships and economy. the views of: Michael Grammatikopoulos (Moody's), Alex Muscatelli (Fitch), Dimitris Papadimitriou (University of Manchester).
A phrase uttered by PM Mitsotakis to the party officials set the tone for the government's shift to the everyday life of the citizen
The risks and the possibility of delay of investments
The bank predicts that Greece will not fall into recession
What it predicts for investment grade bonds and elections
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