Greek Exports Struggle Amid Geopolitical and Domestic Challenges
Greek Exports Struggle Amid Geopolitical and Domestic Challenges
Greek Exports Struggle Amid Geopolitical and Domestic Challenges
Amid international uncertainty and armed conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine in 2023, Greek exports continued to decline, ending the year with an 8.5% drop
What does Brazil's decree provide for imports from Greece?
Last year, Greek export companies achieved another record
Greek kiwis are in second place of imports in the Indian market because of their high quality
How are fruit and vegetable exports developing
What the data compiled by the Panhellenic Exporters Association show
Serious interest in Greek marble
The opportunity clearly lies ahead. Over 300 recognized olive oil standardization companies operate Greece
What a report by the German statistical agency SBA shows
What the figures show
Presentation of a number of support measures
Data on bilateral trade with the two countries published by ELSTAT
What the data show
Three out of 10 kilos of cheese claimed to be feta, imported annually to Canada, is not actually Greek feta
Although exports increased by 33.9% in January 2022, imports increased by 57.9%
Greece is the fourth largest exporter of marble and tiles internationally
According to the association of Greek exporters and the Center for Export Studies and Research (KEEM), and based on provisional data by the Greek statistics authority (EL.STAT), exports in 2021 increased by 8.89 billion euros, or 29.2 percent compared to 2020.
Both the quantities to be exported and the value of table olives increased by 8.6% and 4.6%, respectively
This development proves "not only the resilience of the industry, but also its huge prospects, as estimated by SEVE
Greece's trade surplus almost doubled
The increase in exports of table olives is observed, both to third countries and to EU countries, vis-à-vis last year.
Imports of goods are also at a high level - Explosion of the trade deficit
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