Statistics authority revises, upwards, Greek GDP growth for 2022, to 5.6%
Imported goods and services rose by 7.2 percent
Imported goods and services rose by 7.2 percent
Prime Minister's social media post
Today's figures are the 'key' to the upcoming calculations of the government's new aid package to be announced in Thessaloniki
What the international ratings agency predicts for the Greek economy - How will the ECB's new tool help
The deputy governor of the Bank of Greece also talked about inflation
UBS said Greece had a very strong start to the tourism season, pointing to revenues increasing by 340 percent, y/y, in the first quarter
Big increase for consumption, investments and exports
When will inflation fall, what does the rise in Greek bond yields and the stress of government revenues bring?
The Prime Minister's tweet, after the announcement of the growth rate for the 2nd quarter
A large increase in consumption and investment boosts a strong increase in GDP by 16.2% in the second quarter compared to 2020, following in the footsteps of the rest of the eurozone economies.
The course of GDP, over the whole of this year, will be better than the estimates made in the Medium-Term Fiscal Strategy Framework, said the Minister of Finance
Strong recovery of 6.2% in 2022 from 3.6% this year, is the prediction included in the text submitted to the Commission last night by the Greek government
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