Greek PM: VAT to be imposed on operators of three or more AirBnB-type lodgings as of Jan. 1, 2024
An estimated 100,000 properties in Greece are listed on the AirBnB platform alone
An estimated 100,000 properties in Greece are listed on the AirBnB platform alone
Exactly what the government will present as draft legislation will await Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ address over the weekend in Thessaloniki
Both the EU Commission president and Mitsotakis said a task force will be created and immediately begin work
Mitsotakis referred to an “indescribable end” to the man’s life, and one that’s morally intolerable
In joint statements, the three leaders underlined the strategic-importance relations among their countries
His resignation was immediately accepted by PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who announced that current deputy sports minister Yannis Economou would assume the post
According to Greek government sources, two leaders expressed volition to further strengthen already excellent bilateral relations and to meet in the coming period
In his Reuters interview, the center-right Mitsotakis emphasized that the country has moved forward after overcoming debt crisis, and four years after he succeeded radical left SYRIZA in power
Mitsotakis, the president of incumbent center-right New Democracy (ND) party, sent a direct message to Albanian leadership in Tirana
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced the date
The repatriation of the fragments is an eminently symbolic gesture
The aim of the meeting, coming as public opinion in Greece struggles to cope with the shock of the rail disaster, was to plan a safe “reboot” of rail services in the country.
The top EU experts presented initial recommendations to draw up a blueprint aimed to drastically improve Greece’s rail network
Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis' apology
"We will mourn our children, our siblings, our friends"
Earlier, the government declared a three-day period of mourning in the country
Mitsotakis retains the sole mandate of declaring general elections in country
Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis welcomed visiting US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to his official Maximos Mansion office on Monday afternoon
Mitsotakis reminded that the country is only one notch away from investment grade
Ηis office announced on Wednesday
Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a double message on Epiphany Day
Mitsotakis made the quip while speaking in London during a discussion with Prof. Kevin Featherstone
Ηis center-right government is committed to completing its four-year term,
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