FinMin: Greece considering issue of a ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ bond
Statements on the sidelines of the 7th meeting of the Alliance of Finance Minister for Climate Actions.
Statements on the sidelines of the 7th meeting of the Alliance of Finance Minister for Climate Actions.
Noval Property is the second-largest real estate investment company in Greece in terms of assets, with a current portfolio of 43 commercial properties valued at €390 million. It is also a subsidiary of Viohalco.
This is a green bond of the senior preferred category, lasting six years, which will strengthen the overall capital adequacy ratio of the systemic group.
The issues on which the Supreme Court is called to rule concern legislation from the period 2012 to 2016
Will Greece follow the example of other European countries that have proceeded with similar publications to finance projects with environmental benefits?
"Green issue" by the Greek state, of a mid-term duration, will comprise a portion of the country's lending strategy for the coming year
The interest rate of the issue was set at 2.25 pct.
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