Eurobank: Growth of 1.4% and inflation of 8.2% in 2022 under adverse scenario
What the bank's study shows
What the bank's study shows
International companies reduce the growth rate of Greek GDP below consensus
Yale University Professor of Economics and member of the Pissaridis Committee, Costas Meghir, speaks to "NEA".
The growth mixture contains "antibodies" to the uncertainties that still exist and focus mainly on two elements
Article by the Minister of Finance, Christos Staikouras, in the special edition of OT in To Vima tis Kyriakis
Due to rising inflationary pressures and the intention of central banks to take measures to curb price increases
Three distinguished economists analyze in the journal "NEA" the ECB's decision and its spillovers for the Greek economy
The 32nd GES is taking place at a time of transition and search for a new narrative that will redefine development, taking into account concepts such as inclusion, diversity and sustainability
"Sees" investment opportunities and many years of upward cycle
Citigroup "sees" investment opportunities and many years of upward cycle
Mr. Mitsotakis stressed that economic diplomacy can contribute to strengthening the extroversion of the Greek economy and our country to attract foreign investment
“This is the best proof that export numbers serve as a mirror of an economy’s competitiveness,” he said
It also revised upwards the forecasts for next year's growth
The Greek Minister of Finance gave credits to the Former Deputy Minister of Finance, George Zavvos, for his hard and methodical work the last two years
The big question for the markets next week is whether the profits will continue to rise or a liquidation will be recorded in order to capitalize profits
"Despite the adverse conditions, the Greek economy resisted. The way was opened for a smooth and strong recovery", the minister stressed, speaking to the European Parliament
Consumption and tourism recover dynamically confirming the optimistic scenario for GDP in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2021
Globally, the two countries that have recovered the fastest are the US and China, which is why they are the first to record a slowdown in their recovery, it is pointed out.
Citigroup sees investment opportunities and many years of an upward cycle
"All the studies that have seen the light of day in the last two weeks are more optimistic than those of the Greek government," Mr Staikouras said, speaking at the Delphi Economic Forum.
Analysts' expectations and fears
The president of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank characterizes the investments in "green" energy as a great opportunity for Greece
How will the eurozone return to pre-pandemic levels
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