Three-way MoC for creation of new private school complex at Helleniko site
A final and binding contract between the three sides is expected by the end of the year.
A final and binding contract between the three sides is expected by the end of the year.
In 2025, the construction works of the Ellinikon Commercial Hub, the new commercial, entertainment and business destination, on Vouliagmenis Avenue, that will extend to more than 185,000 sq.m., will be completed, as presented by Lamda Development.
The ATHEX-listed property developer's CEO, Odysseas Athanasiou, referred to an "unparalleled" success in terms of pre-sales, while putting the target by the end of the year at 1.2 billion euros
Speaking to MEGA, the Minister of Development and Investments, Adonis Georgiadis, referred to the evolution of the pandemic in the country and he pointed out that the vaccinated ones will be able to move more freely, especially during the winter.
A total of 647 million euros are given to the Greek State
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