Multinationals: Charging higher prices in Greece compared to other European countries
What did the first cost audits of the Ministry of Development show?
What did the first cost audits of the Ministry of Development show?
Households face fresh price hikes in essential goods, which combined with fuel price hikes make for an explosive cocktail
"The restaurant manager laughed in our faces when we went to complain"
Mykonos is losing the momentum it had gained in recent years as a tourist destination
He noted that "we have seen the worst in terms of high prices" - New salary scale for civil servants in 2024
Not only did they cancel the increases they had announced, but they also made reductions, the development minister said
The German press talks about particularly high prices in Greek tourist destinations
Market participants explain why it is difficult to reduce prices on the shelves despite the generous package to contain energy costs
A labor ministry amendment tabled in Parliament outlines the terms and conditions for handing out an emergency benefit to be paid to vulnerable groups to help them cope with price hikes
Yesterday, for the first time in the history of marine fuel, the MGO (for high-speed boats) broke the $1,000/tonne barrier in Piraeus
"The government chooses tax cuts for the few, instead of protecting society and the real economy from the scourge of high prices," said the Messinia MP and SYRIZA's head of Development and Investment
The "champion" in increases was again the price of natural gas, which jumped by 135.7%, followed by electricity with 45% and the price of heating oil, recording an increase of 34.1%
The market in Greece is still operating competitively and prices are kept at reasonable levels, said the Minister of Development - He argued that the FTC on fuel can not be abolished to create a deficit in state revenues
This winter is expected to be difficult on the inflation front, with price increases for gas, electricity and oil passing to retail prices, causing increases in all products and services. The “bell” has already tolled. Inflation rose to a record high in November as it climbed to 4.8%, which indicates the large wave of price […]
Up to 10% more expensive, says the market, due to the rapid rise in prices for energy, raw materials and transport.
"We will not let the people who are weak freeze, the government is on top of things," he assured.
"What goes up in Greece does not go down," said the president of INKA
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