HB: “Greece is able to repay 7.1 billion euros to the IMF”
The German newspaper writes that Athens has a "cushion" of liquidity of about 40 billion euros
The German newspaper writes that Athens has a "cushion" of liquidity of about 40 billion euros
The time table for making an early payment and covering the loans is within the next two months
What is expected in the coming days
The trend is expected to intensify this year
The Minister of Finance spoke to the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs of the Parliament, where the Draft Law on the ratification of the decision for the New Loan Arrangements of the IMF is being discussed
The Minister of Finance, Christos Staikouras, during the discussion on the Preliminary Draft State Budget 2022, stressed that one of the priorities is the return of the real economy to normal rates
Greece is expected to record a primary deficit of 7.3% of GDP this year and 1.3% in 2022, while from 2023 it will show a surplus of 0.2%
The average for growth in the Eurozone is at 5.2% for 2021 and 4.4% in 2022, while inflation estimates in the euro area member countries are at 2.2% for 2021 and 1.8%. % in 2022 - For Greece this year the forecasts of the Fund show -01% and for 2022 at + 0.4%.
Staikouras, in the context of the meeting, will participate in a closed debate with the management of IMF and with European officials on the climate transition and green investments
Additionally, the IMF states that the Greek government provided one of the biggest financial support packages to affected businesses and individuals among Eurozone countries
The points that overshadow the "good general picture" in the report of the Fund for the Greek economy
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