NBG: Inflation and arrivals raise the threshold for Greek tourism revenues to 21 billion
The extension of the tourist season
The extension of the tourist season
The ministerial decision that will define the types and method of checks by next Friday, - What will the new "household basket" look like
Foodstuffs, alcohol and tobacco products posted the highest rates in increase
The inflation rate in the Eurozone, as a whole, eased to 5.5 percent
What the data show
How total travel spending, arrivals, and therefore per capita spending will fluctuate this year remains to be seen
With the figure, Greece features in a list of countries with the lowest inflation rate in the Eurozone.
Association of Retail Businesses of Greece data concerning household spending highlights their difficulty coping with punctuality and the holiday season
Fuel prices may be in a slump but cruise lines have priced tickets too high
The decrease reflects a significant drop in energy prices
Although the annual inflation rate in Greece continued ease last month, May 2023, certain cost-of-living indexes remained high
"Green light" for the credit of the penultimate tranche of 24 million.
What the data for the eurozone show
Which products played the most important role - What about structural inflation - The ECB's next moves
The household basket is in its 26th week of implementation
The same figure in February 2023 for Greece was 6.5 percent
How consumers are affected by ongoing price increases
The governor of the Bank of Greece sends a message to the political forces for prudence and responsibility ahead of the elections
Food 'explosion' with prices galloping at 15.4%, up from 15% in February
A study by the EU’s statistics service also shows that Greek citizens are the most concerned when it comes to the ability to payoff bills
Specifically, electricity rates fell 22.4 percent in February 2023, compared with the same month last year, while end-of-season heating oil prices fell by 5.1 percent
Inflationary increase in supermarket turnover in January – Which products show decreased consumption
Down from 7.3 percent in January 2023
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