IMF report: Greek economy to grow by 3.5% in 2022
The mission recommended maintaining an accommodative fiscal stance in 2022 and reaching a primary surplus in 2023
The mission recommended maintaining an accommodative fiscal stance in 2022 and reaching a primary surplus in 2023
The rally in prices continues unfettered - Households are under pressure
Consumers are forced to put their hands deeper in their pockets
The process is in the final stretch
Revealing data from the Labor Market Climate Indicators on how employees experience the wave of accuracy, General Confederation of Greek Workers-GSEE demands an increase of the minimum wage to 751 euros
The chairman of the Centre of Planning and Economic Research (KEPE) and professor of economics pointed out that the problem of price increases has been manageable, so far
March was the month of price hikes, with businesses trying to cover the unprecedented rise in energy costs with price increases
The situation created by the war in Ukraine has already triggered a price domino since the beginning of the month
Was presented on Wednesday evening on the prime-time newscast of Mega channel.
The Prime Minister from the floor of Parliament focuses on efforts to address inflation
According to market estimates, the table for Easter this year will be more expensive due to price increases in products
There are increases of up to 15% in basic goods
Mr. Staikouras also left open the possibility of refunds - as financial support - to specific social groups of additional revenues from fuel taxation.
According to Michalis Mousios, president of the Hellenic Bakers' Federation, the price of flour has skyrocketed in a few weeks
"The government will continue to support households, businesses and farmers for as long as needed," Christos Staikouras said.
Pressure on households and businesses intensifies - Energy prices soar after Russia's invasion of Ukraine
"It is a bold proposal," Mitsotakis admitted, noting that it would be considered at the EU summit starting tomorrow in Versailles.
The inflation wave is evolving as a result of businesses and households facing a continuous wave of price increases
He also referred to the check of accuracy, saying that the government can not be indifferent to those who are most in need and will help them from the backwardness of the state
Yale University Professor of Economics and member of the Pissaridis Committee, Costas Meghir, speaks to "NEA".
What the Commission has to say about outstanding pensions and public debt to individuals
Rising prices for energy and commodities continue to climb, creating a major blow to citizens' pockets
Inflated bills are already knocking on the doors of households and businesses and the pressure they are under is very strong
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