BoG Gov Stournaras: Risks for banks have been limited – The investment grade is positive
Investment grade recovery for sovereign debt eases risks, central banker says
Investment grade recovery for sovereign debt eases risks, central banker says
The recent underperformance of Greek bonds has created attractive long entry points, the bank says
The recovery of investment grade is a "shield" for Greek bonds
The government, strengthened by the rating agencies reports and the new upgrade, now exclusively aims at the agenda of the citizens everyday lives
Studies conclude that when a country "climbs" to the last "step" of the investment ladder, it "anchors" (unfortunately) there for a long time
JP Morgan maintains a generally positive medium-term outlook for Greek bonds
"Greece has achieved a milestone", thanks "to the efforts of its governments and people", the European Mechanism said
Harbinger of new upgrades from agencies recognized by the ECB
The bond issue on Tuesday was oversubscribed by 3.82 times
What the governor of the BoG points out in the interim report on monetary policy
Investment grade estimates
The return to the investment stage and the "hot" summer for the Greeks
Greece is on a clear path towards investment grade, notes the American ratings agency
The criteria for the upgrade
What he predicts for GDP, deficit and inflation - How he sees the election
The elections, the debt and the Stability Program
When does the American bank expect Greece to return to "investment grade"
Momentum ahead of the second election is maintained
"Greek 10-year bond yields have fallen nearly 15 basis points (bps) following Sunday's election result
What Reuters analysis shows about the upcoming upgrades
Announcements are coming on growth rate, potential rating upgrade, budget and inflation
What the central banker said about interest rates and the path of inflation
Late at night the riddle will be solved. As long as there are no unpleasant surprises, the country is estimated to return to investment grade after the elections
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