The reasons the Thessaloniki-Izmir line foundered
The factors that made the line unproductive
The factors that made the line unproductive
According to a report by the Turkish news agency Anadolu, the line is unprofitable for the Greek company
The regional governor of the Central Macedonia region, an elected office holder, declined continuing an official visit to Turkey
Turkish authorities denied entry of a Greek regional governor to the country on Saturday
The ship with the Greek flag has the capacity to transport 948 passengers. It also has a transport capacity of 1,000 lane meters for trucks and 300 cars
The connection not only links Greece to Turkey, it also Europe to Asia
Procedures for passengers and cargo are more demanding as Turkey is not only not in the EU but also outside the Schengen area
Lesvos is the first Aegean island connected to Izmir by direct ferry route
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