ESM chief Regling in Athens; meets with PM ahead of term’s end next month
Discussions also touched on what the latter called the "significant performance of the Greek economy and its positive prospects"
Discussions also touched on what the latter called the "significant performance of the Greek economy and its positive prospects"
The European institutions delivered a positive assessment regarding the completion of Greece’s reform commitments in the first half of 2022
Klaus Regling: Greece's reform progress continues
The head of the ESM does not believe that raising interest rates will create a new euro crisis
644.42 million euros repaid from profits of central banks on Greek bonds - At 122.5 million the value of the reduced interest on the loans.
Advocates for a change in fiscal rules - What he says about the ECB raising interest rates
The head of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) talks about the European tool, with which Greece was saved from bankruptcy, emphasizing that the key to success was the country's stay in the eurozone
The head of the ESM added that the risks still remain, as the new coronavirus mutation could have a negative impact, for example on tourism.
The annual report, as expected, was approved by the ESM’s board of directors.
European Stability Mechanism Managing Director Klaus Regling received Greek Finance Minister Christos Staikouras in Luxembourg on Wednesday with the meeting later described as “very constructive".
He estimated that Greece will regain the investment level and that lending rates may fall further.
He also noted that Greece posted significant progress in 2019, with the subsequent pandemic devastating all European countries, an unprecedented economic crisis, as he said, but quite different from the one that plagued the EU the previous decade
Initiatives for greater European integration are strengthening the international role of the euro, said Klaus Regling, head of the European Stability Mechanism
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